OnionMail's HTTP Main web applications configuration
The file config.denied.conf configures all web application parameters (ETEX variables):
Some ETEX variables are used to replace the HTML markers to varialbe content. Other variables starting with @ are the ETEX extended variables that configure the web applications.
The HTML markers are like this example:
<!--#name#--> Server's ETEX variables.
<!--@name@--> Others ETEX variables.
All replaced contents are encoded in HTML to prevent code injections.

Server's ETEX variables and applications:
Nick name of mail server.
Address of hidden services.
The rulez text file into PRE HTML tags.
The SSL certificate SHA-1 in hex string.
New text captcha code (it check om-cap post parameter).
Exit flag. Return 0 in normal server, 1 in exit server.
Extendend parameters:
@etex-ext (extension)
The extension of web applications. The default extension fo web application is ETEX, but you can change it to html or others like php, asp, jsp, etc...
@index (absoluteFileName)
The name of index file.
@logon-etex (webFile)
The name of logon web application.
@admin-index (webFile)
The admin page.
@newuser-etex (webFile)
The user subscription complete page.
@error-page (webFile)
The error page.
@register-etex (webFaile)
The user subscription form.
@counter-svg (webFile)
The hit counter file image.
This is a virtual SVG file created on the fly and cached by browser.
@idecounter (yes | no)
Hide the hit counter.
@countstart (number)
Add some hit to the counter.
@countcolor (24BitColor)
Set the count color in HTML hex 6 digit format without the character # because is used for comments.
@count-chw (pixel)
Character width of the SVG counter.
@count-chh (pixel)
Character height of the SVG counter.
@acc-root (webPath)
Add the permission access only for root user to a path or a file.
@acc-usr (webPath)
Add the permission access only for logged user to a path or a file.
@acc-list (webPath)
Add the permission access only for list user to a path or a file.
@acc-ok (webPath)
Add the permission access for all to a path or a file.
Add the permission access to deny access to a path or a file.
@acc-del (webPath)
Delete all path permission and set to default.
You can use * to reset all permissions.

(CC) by OnionMail Project

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